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According to the World Health Organization, climate change is “the single greatest health threat facing humanity.” Scientists say that we have a short window to make rapid, transformational changes or temperatures will rise to catastrophic levels.

Why we care about climate change 
How we can collectively make an impact

The climate crisis must be addressed on a systems level, and our greatest power lies in our ability to contact and influence decision makers to change systems in order to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. That is our main focus. We will also give you some tips to decrease your personal carbon footprint. 

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I’m super busy. I’m not sure I have the time to get involved, but thank you for doing this and good luck!



We structure things so that busy people can make an impact by learning and advocating for as little as 5-15 minutes a month. This only works, though, if there are lots of people acting together. Your participation really is key. 



We respect and appreciate that many of you are involved in other important efforts.

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There are thousands of people who live, work, play and pray in Decatur. If we all work together, we can make a big impact. And we can create a model for other communities to follow. Join us, and we can all be climate heroes together!

I'm ready to join! How do I sign up?

Yay! Sign up here to join and receive monthly emails. Thank you for taking action!

Need more information and inspiration? Please take the time to explore the website further and hear from your friends and neighbors who have already joined.

And remember: "The greatest threat to the planet is the belief that somebody else will save it."

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Need more convincing? Check out why a Decatur pediatrician cares about this, or watch a video featuring over 25 Decatur residents!

Read below, or follow this link to read on Decaturish.
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Dear Decaturish,


As a pediatrician and a mother, I’ve met a lot of parents, grandparents and other caregivers. Nearly all have one thing in common; they want the best for the children in their care.


Many times, parents say that they would do anything for their kids and I have seen this to be true. I’ve seen parents stay up all night with a sick child or work three jobs to put food on the table. If there was something you could do today to help your child and future grandchild when they are fifty or sixty years old, would you do it? I think most of us would.


This year, there actually is one task that we all need to do to protect our kids: Decrease greenhouse gas emissions. We need an intact and stable natural world to raise healthy children. We must decrease emissions rapidly over the next decade to prevent the worst effects of the climate crisis on children’s health. Climate change is already affecting today’s children and endangers their future. We’ve seen this in recent severe weather events across the country. We also know that children of color suffer disproportionately from climate related hazards in the US. The situation will get profoundly worse if we do not act. Georgia currently averages about 20 dangerous heat days a year. If no actions are taken, by 2050, we are projected to see more than 90 such days a year.

Or here is a longer version...

Misty Slopes

Our Mission

To harness the power of collective action in our community to tackle climate change, air pollution, and other environmental impacts that harm all of us. 

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